Times of Worship Sunday Bible Study: 9:30 AM Worship: 10:30 AM Wednesday Bible Study: 10:00 AM 7:00 PM 5051 Mack Road P O Box 231005 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 428-1956 |
Daily Bible Reading Read The Bible In A Year If we believe the Bible is the Word of God, shouldn’t we want to know all that God has told us? Have you ever read the whole Bible? If not, the elders encourage you to join with them and begin a daily Bible reading program that will have you read the entire Bible in one year. Reading Plans For 2025 YouVersion Bible App About Us
We are a group of simple, New Testament Christians meeting in south Sacramento who are trying to be like God's people who you read about in the Bible. We shun man-made doctrines, church politics, and too much emphasis upon money as these things displease the Lord. We believe that you will find us to be Christ-centered and truth loving. |